The scattered, eccentric, ridiculous thoughts of your everyday fashionista.

"Fashions fade, style is eternal."

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”

“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.”

Friday, February 11, 2011

Fresh To Death - A Man's Guide To Good Dressing Pt. 1 - Quirky


Even though you enjoy heterosexual things like football, Sports Illustrated models, and cars (I realize I'm stereotyping.. but to save time..) women still can't get enough of you. It's the stone-cold truth my friends. But you need to know something. This something, I think, is overlooked by the male race and needs to be addressed immediately......

The truth is..... as hard as it is for some woman to admit, we "operate" the same way you guys do, superficially (how lovely for the human race, right?). We stare at you with vulgar intentions, we gawk at you from across the way with our girlfriends, and we judge you, initially but not solely, on the way you look. (Don't deny it ladies, it's human instinct, you would look foolish if you did.) This is why it's SO VERY IMPORTANT that you boys know how to dress. I know most of you don't care (and since this a fashion blog, I'm sure a majority are gay and already know!) but it's a quintessential factor in a woman's decision in considering you as a potential partner or hookup. ***The way we think - "Oh, there is a cute guy... wait, is he wearing mandels? .. Wait are those birkenstocks?.. no NO NOOO, THEY'RE CROCS! never-mind...." *** This can happen to you, seriously, girls can be shallow. We love you for who you are, but we also SUPER LOVE you when you are who you are and you dress impeccably, especially on a first meeting or date! I know it sucks, but it REALLY works to your advantage. Let me tell you something, and I may be breaking girl code for this, a sharply dressed man can counteract any unattractiveness or insecurity. You don't believe me.. but trust me, it's true. Feel confident in the way you look and that can EXUBERANTLY change how you feel about yourself, and how you project yourself to the ladies! Now, this doesn't mean you have to change who you are! You just have to bring out the best, and remove the worse! So, to help you do so, I'm making a 5 part blog series in good dressing, and I know by the end of this, you will be making the girls swoon with your charming looks and maybe your personality as well. ;)

Sincerely drooling over your hotness,

For the quirky male.

Quirky is difficult to pull off without looking like a straight up dork or someone who is trying desperately to hard. So, I think we should learn by example. Joseph Gordon-Levitt embodies quirky style. It's functional, put together, simple, and (dare I say!) undeniably sexy! He looks humble and not pretentious, sweet, trustworthy, RELATIONSHIP MATERIAL FELLAS! (HINT HINT, WINK, WINK) I also think that he offers the best of the best for first date attire and winning-over-her-parents looks! Check out a few pics and ideas below, I added a few similar items that can all be found at I would also suggest H&M! Enjoyed being stylized boys as I try to insert something clever.....

Copy-cat ideas from 21Men:

Grid Pattern Jacket- $32.90

Diamond Print Sweater Vest - $23.90

Leather Trimmed Jacket - $36.90

Plaid Dress Shirt - $23.90

Green Energy Tee - $13.90

Metallic Tie - $8.90

Soft Leatherette Tennis Shoes - $16.90

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