The scattered, eccentric, ridiculous thoughts of your everyday fashionista.
"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”
“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.”
Taylor Momsen is the good girl gone bad of Hollywood right now. The up-in-coming actress/musician is both the star of hit show Gossip Girl and front-woman of the band The Pretty Reckless. Where's the bad in this you ask? Well.. most of the verbal/cyber backlash has developed because of the young starlet's (at age 17 now) risque wardrobe showing a "female teenage rock star" image new to our generation. So, is she trashy, recycling used fashion of the past OR innovative and reviving a deceased trend? I have taken my side ... and I say you work that style Taylor and rock on!! Now, normally I would call people who fit into Momsen's age/image category (see: Miley Cyrus) talentless whores who needs to worry about finding a pair of pants more than their pathetic attempt at music.. harsh, i know. HOWEVER.... like ROCK STAR (not pop star) women of the past, Taylor is boldly fiery.. I mean, lets face it, she's a bad-ass. She's your quintessentialfemme teenage rebel, the chick who can kick you ass but still be just as sexy as your run-of-the-mill celeb. And, to be quite frank... I not only endure it, I love it! She knows she's not cookie cutter, not a great role model, but she sticks to who she is ... which takes one bad mamma-jamma! She's not dressing to be slutty like pop princesses of the past (who have adorned pigtails and chaps just to sell a few more records).. she's doing it because she's truly growing up and into her sexuality. I applaud her... (just like I applaud my icon Debbie Harry!) Way to kill it Taylor in a decade of generic ick!!! She has inspired me to buy lace tights, pink lipstick, and leather shorts! Plus, apart from her style, her band The Pretty Reckless, are insanely good!! She has got some phenomenal pipes for a seventeen year old!! Check out the videos of her wardrobe tour and live unplugged session below as I try to insert something clever.. (p.s. - if I had legs like Taylor, you best believe I would be showing off them suckers while I still could!)