Is there such a thing as "too dressy" for an afternoon of reading at the Ohio State University oval.. or any University, in fact, where there is the possibility of hunkable, shirtless guys tossing around a Frisbee? I didn't think so either... but the homestead disagreed. Originally I was planning plaid flannel buttoned to the top with a pearls and chains necklace (one of my favorite combos) and a high waisted mini.. much more sensible... but when i got the opportunity to wear the Vera Wang shorts (the Kholes line of course!) I couldn't pass it up! To jazz up the ensemble I went with a forest green, braided at the collar Gap blouse and Vera tights and shoes :) Forever 21 provided the jewelery, with owl studs and a bow headband! Cute right? .. my family's nuts. But anywho, after my dressy-butt had wonderful tour of the pristine and b-e-a-utiful OSU campus with the lovely Shauna Marie (future student and heartthrob), I HAD to see if my funnel neck coat was in at Urban Outfitters. However, to my dismay, there was no sign of any winter clothing and I was ready to leave, deeply saddened. But, right when I was about to loose all hope.. I meandered my way to the sales section (fully aware that I was there to look not touch) and saw the most adorable pair of BDG oxfords.. for, get this, $19.90! In a normal situation, they would be mine, right then and there. However, with the eye infuriated at me, I walked away hoping that I could return one day with money to buy the suckers! Here they are, in all their glory, the dazzling oxfords (don't they make you want to dance around like Gene Kelly!)