Have you ever listened to someones voice and felt like you've had an epiphany? Well, that may possibly have just occurred after my ears were graced by the We the Kings collaboration with Demi Lovato, I mean DAMN, that girl has got Haley William's lungs! So, naturally, after I fell madly in love with the song, I got my butt over to youtube to check out the music video. Another WTF moment... who is this girl? One minute I'm watching her on the Princess Camp whatever dancing next to the celibate triplets, and the next minute she is looking drop dead gorgeous in a sexy blazer and mini shorts... not to mention, her hair looks fantastic! (Side note- why I want to grow out my hair - on the off chance that We the Kings knocks on my door asking me to appear in one of their music videos, it's possible, I can have a fabulous flipping mane like Demi!) Her personal style has grown from mouseketeer to full blown hard-edge rocker.. and i'm freckin' loving it! Feathered fedoras, destroyed jeans (which are a tricky thing to pull off), and die-able leather booties all gussy up this young starlet's wardrobe (while keeping it classy, might I add... cough *miley* cough *cyrus*) It's time to jump the off the crazy train (Disney empire) and join the norms! I'll be looking up where she got those tights (shown below) while I try to insert clever..

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