80's rival may be old news to the high fashion community, however, it's exploding in my mindset and closet! Taffeta bows, lace gloves, cross chained jewelery.. I want it all! And where did this urban living, vintage store hunting, Aidan Quinn loving obsession begin? With one little movie my friends, staring one fabulous material girl! If you haven't seen Desperately Seeking Susan, smack your wrist for not indulging in the 80's brilliance! Trust me naysayers, you'll be seeing Madonna in a whole new light! None of that washed up comeback stuff that the current youth is subjected to, but classic Madonna. Plus, there is an ENDLESS supply of New York and cheesy romance to go along with the sex-kitten ensembles! My favorite wardrobe piece you ask? Duh, is that even a question? Those studded, zip up boots that Madonna eagerly trades her "Jimmy Hendrix" jacket for! They are the definition of street style, and I adore them. I've even made a life plan to find a duplicate pair and rock them with a cut-off mesh top, mismatching earrings, and red lipstick (it has to be done people!)! Now the boots aren't all!! There is the always-popping skeleton round duffel (with pink lining - that's my favorite part) which brought a whole new edge to luggage, the square sunnies, the garter belt and boxer combo (hehe), and leggings leggings leggings galore!! Bottom line.. it's fashion at it's most adventurous time (yes, you do see one Flock of Seagulls hairdo!), it's quintessential 80's movie fluff, and Aidan Quinn in his prime (need I say more?)! Now go rent it for 99 cents while I try to insert something clever......
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