Woman shwiman! Let's talk about a hottie whose style makes you smile! With his perfectly tailored suits, perfectly coiffed hair, and perfectly structured face, this one's a looker. He's an actor, a playwright, an author, a painter and a graduate student (of ivy league), and he was James Dean? Need I say more ladies? However, between all this (and being my imaginary boyfriend) Mr. James Franco still finds the time to look down right sexy. In a 27 Hour Spotlight on James Franco interview/appearance yesterday, he rocks a navy v-neck, a plaid button up, a hooded cardi, AND a leather jacket.. pulling off the almost impossible with no trouble. ("layering outerwear is unheard of??.. pfft.. I'm James Franco you fools!") Here he is defying fashion gravity, being well, Franco. Gotta love him! Now wipe up that drool off your keyboard as I try to insert something clever!....
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