Fashion is like a religion.. just when I think all is lost, and I have no faith in what I preach and do.. something shows up, and bam, I know it's real. Today it was this quote. Earlier, my friend Hannah told me that despite her lack of interest in fashion, she still reads my blog (sssshhh! it's a secret) and that got me thinking....just because Hannah doesn't know all the fashion lingo, read all the magazines, and dress from (lets face it) the insanity expensive high end retailers, doesn't make her any less fashionable. Then, I was catching up on Project Runway, and contestant Andy was working on (what to me) was a ridiculously awesome (besides the poor tailoring in the crouch and booty area, but that can be fixed) pair of Asian-inspired cropped pants, and the judges DESTROYED them. Sure, the challenge was PARTLY American Sportswear, but hell, Jackie O was a risk taker in a time where what women wore really didn't even matter! Sure, in New York and LA and Milan there are snooty fashion gurus.. but is that really how ALL fashion lovers are? Pretentious and shallow and ... excuse my French, bitchy! To me, style is funky, hip, modern, big and bold.. but does that mean that it is the same for everyone else? And then I read the quote above.. and realized, style is about YOU, style is about the individual.. if someone wants to wear an insane pair of pants.. AWESOME! Ok, you or I may not be into wearing them.. but kudos to those who can!! Sure, they may not be on the cover of magazines or “best dressed” at their school, but they're still fabulous.. trust me!) :) Below is an outfit I dedicated just to Hannah, whose casual style is worthy of applause because she is who she is :) and gosh darn it.. I love it. Contemplate over THAT fashion haters as I try to insert something clever......

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